Athletics Policy

Senior High Athletics

Edwin Parr School is a competitive high school in the 3A level of the Alberta Schools' Athletic Association. The purpose of our high school sports programs is to provide students with an athletic environment that is challenging, developmental and character building. Our programs encourage development of students not only in their athletic skills but also as team players and leaders. Student athletes will be given the opportunity to develop their virtues of respect, sportsmanship, cooperation, integrity and fairness within a team atmosphere.

Formation of teams will be left to the decision of the coaches. A senior team will be formed that could best represent the school in competitive interschool competitions. Coaches will take into consideration what would be most beneficial to the development and progress of each player when choosing teams. Coaches will consider each athlete's attitude, commitment to the team, effort and skill level.

If there are a sufficient number of coaches available, Edwin Parr School will have a competitive senior team and a developmental Junior Varsity team.

Junior High Athletics

Edwin Parr School junior high athletics serve as a developmental program for the competitive senior high program. At the junior high level, students will begin experiencing the enjoyment of school sports and competition. Junior high programs encourage students to begin developing their character, virtues of respect, sportsmanship, cooperation, integrity and fair play that will be necessary to have positive experiences with athletics in the future. Coaches will also assist junior high athletes in improving their athletic skills in practices and in game situations.

Junior high sports teams will be formed with consideration of each athlete's attitude, commitment, effort and skill level. The number of coaches available may determine the number of students that are able to participate. If there are not enough coaches for all interested students, then some students will not be a part of the program. Coaches will be responsible for determining teams and any players who are not part of a team will be encouraged to participate in Edwin Parr School's recreational intramural league.

Responsibilities of the Coach:

  1. Respect the school's philosophy, rules, and regulations. He/she is to recognize that academics come first and that the Athletic Program is but one aspect of a student's education. The physical, academic and emotional well being of the student has to be considered above all else.
  2. All coaches are selected at the discretion of the Athletic Director in consultation with the school administration.
  3. Community coaches must have a school staff member liaison. The duties of the liaison are to be present at all contests and practices in an active supervisory role. Also, the liaison must assist in the communication between the athletics director and the coaches.
  4. The coaches are responsible for the supervision of the facilities which they are using. When competing at a venue other than Edwin Parr, the coach is responsible for the safe conduct to and from that venue. The coach should be the first to arrive and the last to leave.
  5. The coach is responsible for enforcing and abiding by all rules and regulations as outlined by the A.V.R.A.A. (junior high), and the A.S.A.A (senior high). This information is to be provided by the Athletic Director.
  6. Team selection should be carried out in a fair and equitable manner. Team selection policies and process shall be pre-determined by all department members and supported thereafter.
  7. In the situation that an athlete is a member of a club team during a school sport season of play, the coaches must strive to keep communication open. Schedules should be shared, and compromise should be negotiated; always considering the best interest of the athlete. If conflict continues to exist, the Athletic Director should be advised, at which time a decision is to be made.
  8. At the beginning of the season, coaches must receive approval to enter extra tournaments from Administration and the Athletic Director.
  9. All gym time will be set at the discretion of the Athletic Director and the Community Events Coordinator. Priority will be given to the sport in season and/or those heading into playoffs.
  10. The coach shall take a strong stand against the use of profanity, abusive or sexist language, or any other unsportsmanlike conduct. They will not tolerate any hazing of team members. No team member is to be subjected to humiliation or degradation even if permission has been granted or implied by an athlete.
  11. Any use of drugs or alcohol is reported immediately to the school administration.
  12. All game results should be reported to the media immediately after the contest. When being interviewed by the press, all comments should be well thought-out.
  13. Coaches are to inform staff of a student-athletes absence for an athletic event in a timely fashion. This will allow teachers time to rearrange tests or assignments. Conversely, teachers are expected to give coaches fair warning if a student-athlete needs to miss a contest for academic reasons.
  14. The coach should carry a copy of all team members' medical information with him/her and make sure that all injuries are reported to the Athletic Director. An incident report form must also be filled out for insurance purposes.
  15. The coach must make sure all student-athletes have paid their team fees prior to becoming an active member of the team. If an athlete is in financial difficulty, the coach, Athletic Director and school will make an effort to provide the funding for the student. Such an issue must be dealt with in a confidential manner.
  16. The coach should have a parents' meeting to communicate all aspects of the school and coach's expectations for their child's involvement on a team.

Responsibilities of the School and Students:

*The school's role in athletics is one of support for the coach administratively and financially. The AD's role is to foster a good working relationship between athlete, coach and the school. The AD is also responsible for the day to day operation of the total Athletic Program.

  1. All participants in extracurricular activities must have their registration fees paid prior to participating in the first game of the season.
  2. Team funding can come from any of the following sources:
    • Athletic fees
    • Fundraising
    • Donations
    • Student Council
    • Admission fees
  3. All funds collected by the team are to be deposited with the school. Any student-athlete turning in money will be issued a receipt. No separate accounts outside the school are to be kept. The coach or teacher liaison is to keep a full account of all funds turned in.
  4. Student-athletes will not be punished academically for extra-curricular involvement.
  5. Students must be in good academic standing in order to participate in extra-curricular activities. In regards to eligibility issues, the Edwin Parr Composite Athletics Program will adhere to the guidelines set out by the ASAA. In respect to enrollment requirements, the following policy shall be followed:

The student must register in a minimum of 800 instructional minutes (i.e. 10 credits or two full time courses) per week during the time of participation in that activity for which Alberta Education credits are granted. Distance education courses can be considered as regular instructional minutes.

A student who becomes 19 before September 1 shall be ineligible for high school competition. Note: A student who becomes 19 on or after September 1 shall remain eligible for the entire school year.

  1. Attendance at school is an important part of learning and the success of the student. The student participant is expected to be in class in order to be successful in their courses. Student participants who are not in school on the day of an event without a note from a parent/guardian or doctor are not eligible to participate. Students who are missing from classes a number of times without an excuse may be removed from participation for a time period deemed appropriate by Administration and the Athletic Director.
  2. Student participants are reminded that all school rules apply at all school sponsored activities. This includes events, competitions, practices, and tournaments etc., both at school and away from the school.
  3. All uniforms and equipment that belong to the school are to be returned to the school in the same condition as they were given out. Failure to do so will result in the student being billed for the cost of the equipment or uniform.
  4. Students who are suspended from school are not eligible to participate in events, competitions practices or meetings throughout the duration of the suspension. If there is a weekend in the middle of the suspension the student cannot participate until they return to school.

Student Athletes Should:

  1. Play hard and respect the other team, officials and coaches.
  2. Maintain a high degree of physical fitness.
  3. Abstain from performance enhancing drugs along with illegal substances. Tobacco products including chewing tobacco are not permitted at school activities.
  4. Demonstrate respect for the diversity among participants as it relates to race relations, cross-cultural understanding and human rights.
  5. Play for the love of the game and honor opponents with your best performance.