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Alma Swan

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FNMI Family School Liaison

I am a mother of 2, grandmother of 2 and a proud member of the Bigstone Cree Nation. My role within the division is First Nations, Metis, Inuit Family School Liaison. I work primarily in the 3 schools in Athabasca but occasionally asked to provide FNMI educational support in the other schools within the division. In my 18+ years of working for Aspen View School Division my position has evolved and changed to meet the needs of FNMI students and families. I provide support/educational resources/referrals to students, families, teachers and community agencies as needed. My education background is primarily Social Work. My claim to fame is that I have been in federal prison from one end of the country to the other. Cool heh:( I took a 4 year hiatus from Aspen View and worked for an agency that provides support to incarcerated women. I was the Prairie Regional advocate thus travelling to all the Federal Women's Prisons in Canada. One of my favorite tasks is providing curriculum support in the classroom. As a country, it is easier to move forward if we learn and acknowledge where we've been. The Truth And Reconciliation Commission has 94 recommendations for Calls to Action that we can start with.

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