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Ron Bay

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Junior High Math Teacher

According to Alberta Education I have been teaching for 68 years as they count every year of teaching junior high double due to the clientele. It has caused me to lose my memory, my hair, my patience, my memory and something else but it escapes right now. My teaching career began before full blown advances in technology like paper, pencils and the internet so I remember teaching using a new fangled tool called chalk which replaced granite and the chisel.

Me - By the numbers

137 284 hairs lost in my career (and still counting )

2873 students taught in my career (and still counting )

263 staff worked with during my career (and still counting )

34 years of teaching math (and still counting )

6 different staff I work with right now that I have taught (and still counting )

5 decades I have taught in ( 80's, 90's, 00's, 10's, 20's )

forever teaching a student with the last name of Weber

3 schools I have taught in

2 children of my own that I have taught

1 breath at a time

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