School Supply List

2024/25 Standard Supply List For Junior & Senior High Students
Good scientific calculator for grade 7/8/9
Graphing calculator for students taking Math 10C/ -1 or -2 streams; we recommend TI84 or TI83 or comparable calculator. Good scientific calculator for students taking Math -3 stream. Please see below for more information regarding the calculators.
- Binders
- Dividers
- Calculators 8/9 – (Optional for grade 7)
- Graph paper
- Loose Leaf
- Pens
- Pencils
- Pencil Crayons
- Whiteboard markers x 10
- Ruler
- Eraser x 2
- Head Phones – Junior High Students Only
*** Chrome Book - We are a google school and do have chrome books in the school but if you can afford to buy your own we recommend you bring your own. ***
A second pair of ‘indoor’ shoes for gym
Gym clothes (shorts, sweats, T-shirts ....) suitable for both warm and cooler weather
1 lock; combination style are favored. It is preferred that locks be purchased at the school.
Other course specific items will be discussed by individual teachers as needs arise.